(6) Middle Age Webquest

Manor Webquest

Go to http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/castle/castl_fm.html and investigate different aspects of life in a medieval castle.  Find the answers to the following questions.


  1. Name 2 weapons that would be used to guard the manor.
  2. How does a “murder hole” work?

Hawks and Falcons

3. What were hawks and falcons trained for?

4. What kind of bird would be appropriate for a baron to use?


5. Who won the jousting tournament between the 2 animated knights?

6. Why did they change tournaments from small armies into one-on-one competitions?

7. How does a joust work?

Guardroom and Inner Gatehouse

8. What is a fletcher?

9. What does an armourer do?

10.  Define “tabard.”

11. Name 2 weapons used for attacking a castle.

12. How does a moat protect a castle?

Great Hall

13. Name 3 purposes of the great hall?

Royal Apartments

14. What is one unexpected amenity that you might find in the royal apartments?


15. Who would teach pages how to read?

16.  What would important documents be written on?


17. How is most food cooked?

18. What was used instead of plates?

19. When was the potato introduced to Europe?

Great Tower

20. What is a “page”?

21. What are the duties of a squire?

Lord and Lady Sherwood’s rooms

22. What is the duty of the Lady?


23. Who lives in the kennels?

24. What purpose did the dogs serve?

25. What was considered a hunter’s greatest challenge?


26. Define a destrier.

Bleak Tower

27. What is in the bleak tower?

Lucy’s Tower

28. What was the inspiration for this interactive tower?

29. What kind of source is the diary?

30. What kind of source is this interactive castle?

(6) Historical Fakebook

Students, you need to choose a historical figure from our chapter and research the following:

  1. full name
  2. birthday
  3. family
  4. famous quotes
  5. friends
  6. anything else about their life, accomplishments, or what type of person they are

Then, you will create their own fakebook page with the information you have researched. Once you are finished, e-mail me the link skanavati@stpatrickeducenter.org and I will make a list of your fakebook accounts on this post below.

Fakebook web address: http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page






Tokyo Rose http://www.classtools.net/FB/1288-qs4JBR

Cleopatra: http://www.classtools.net/FB/1627-dU7Snu

Cleopatra http://www.classtools.net/FB/1464-PVJRLZ




(5) Studying with brain pop

Industrial Revolution


Agricultural Revolution



Railroad History



Assembly Line



Frederick Douglass
